Saturday, 20 April 2024
New York


Powell Repeats More Rate Hikes Needed to Get Inflation to Goal
Friday, 23 June 2023 04:36 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said returning US inflation to 2% is crucial to support the long-term health of the US economy. “It is working families who suffer most directly and quickly from high inflation and it is for the benefit of those people and all other people that...

Powell Signals Higher Rates as Lawmakers Press Him on Bank Rules
Thursday, 22 June 2023 04:55 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said policymakers expect interest rates will need to move higher to reduce US growth and contain price pressures, even though they held rates steady at their meeting last week. “Earlier in the process, speed was very important,” Powell said...

Fed Pauses Rate Hikes But Signals More Tightening to Come
Thursday, 15 June 2023 07:46 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve officials paused on Wednesday following 15 months of interest-rate hikes but signaled they would likely resume tightening to cool inflation, projecting more increases than economists and investors expected. “Holding the target range steady at this meeting allows the...

Fed Raises Rates by a Quarter Point and Hints at Possible Pause
Thursday, 4 May 2023 07:47 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter percentage point and hinted it may be the final move in the most aggressive tightening campaign since the 1980s as economic risks mount. “The committee will closely monitor incoming information and assess the implications for...

Fed likely needs to raise rates higher and possibly faster, Powell tells lawmakers
Wednesday, 8 March 2023 05:01 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

The Federal Reserve will likely need to raise interest rates more than expected in response to recent strong data and is prepared to move in larger steps if the "totality" of incoming information suggests tougher measures are needed to control inflation, Fed Chair Jerome Powell told U.S. lawmakers...

Fed Inclined Toward More Hikes to Curb Inflation, Minutes Show
Thursday, 23 February 2023 08:59 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve officials continued to anticipate further increases in borrowing costs would be necessary to bring inflation down to their 2% target when they met earlier this month, though almost all supported a step down in the pace of hikes. “Participants observed that a restrictive policy...

Powell Stresses Need For Fed Political Independence While Tackling Inflation
Wednesday, 11 January 2023 04:04 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Tuesday stressed the need for the central bank to be free of political influence while it tackles persistently high inflation. In a speech delivered to Sweden’s Riksbank, Powell noted that stabilizing prices requires making tough decisions that can be...

Powell Says Fed Still Has a ‘Ways to Go’ After Half-Point Hike
Thursday, 15 December 2022 09:38 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said officials were not close to ending their aggressive campaign of interest-rate increases after officials signaled borrowing costs would head higher than expected next year. “We still have some ways to go,” he said at a press conference on...

Fed officials see smaller rate hikes coming 'soon,' minutes show
Thursday, 24 November 2022 09:50 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve officials earlier this month agreed that smaller interest rate increases should happen soon as they evaluate the impact policy is having on the economy, meeting minutes released Wednesday indicated. Reflecting statements that multiple officials have made over the past several...

Fed Lifts Rates by 0.75% for Fourth Straight Meeting
Thursday, 3 November 2022 07:42 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point Wednesday for the fourth time in row, pushing monetary policy further into restrictive territory to combat above-trend inflation. The Federal Open Market Committee raised its benchmark rateto a range of 3.75% to 4%...

Fed Officials Expect Higher Rates To Stay In Place, Meeting Minutes Show
Thursday, 13 October 2022 08:09 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve officials have been surprised at the pace of inflation and indicated at their last meeting that they expect higher interest rates to remain in place until prices come down, according to minutes released Wednesday from the central bank’s September meeting. In discussions leading...

Powell Fed Mengulangi Seruan untuk Peraturan Keuangan Digital yang Tepat
Wednesday, 28 September 2022 10:30 WIB | Economy

Aset keuangan digital memerlukan peraturan yang tepat untuk memastikan level keseimbangan dan melindungi konsumen, kata Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell pada hari Selasa (27/9). “Dalam ekosistem keuangan yang terdesentralisasi, ada masalah struktural yang sangat signifikan seputar kurangnya...

Powell Says There’s ‘Real Need’ for Better Regulation of Crypto
Wednesday, 28 September 2022 01:59 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell called for better regulation of cryptocurrencies and said the fact that the industry’s shakeout failed to cause broader financial turmoil may not be the case in the future. Global increases in interest rates exposed “significant structural issues...

Fed Menaikkan Suku Bunga sebesar 0,75 Poin, Menandai yang Tertinggi Dari yang Diharapkan
Thursday, 22 September 2022 08:21 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Federal Reserve pada Rabu (21/9) memutuskan untuk menaikkan suku bunga sebesar 0,75 poin persentase dan mengisyaratkan suku bunga mungkin lebih tinggi dari yang diharapkan investor karena bank sentral memerangi inflasi yang tinggi selama beberapa dekade. Kenaikan terakhir membawa suku bunga...

Pernyataan Powell di Jackson Hole : Menurunkan Inflasi Akan Menyebabkan Tekanan bagi Rumah Tangga dan Bisnis
Saturday, 27 August 2022 04:28 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell menggarisbawahi pernyataan dari bank sentral di Jackson Hole untuk menyampaikan pesan yang blak-blakan bahwa The Fed akan terus berupaya menurunkan inflasi sampai selesai dan bahwa upaya tersebut akan memakan biaya dalam hal pekerjaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi....

Para Pejabat The Fed Melihat Perlunya Memperlambat Kecepatan Kenaikan Suku Bunga 'Di Beberapa Titik'
Thursday, 18 August 2022 13:59 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Para pejabat Federal Reserve bulan lalu setuju perlu untuk memutar kembali laju kenaikan suku bunga tetapi juga ingin mengukur bagaimana pengetatan moneter mereka bekerja untuk mengekang inflasi AS. "Ketika sikap kebijakan moneter semakin ketat, kemungkinan akan menjadi tepat di beberapa titik...

Powell Melihat Kenaikan Suku Bunga Berkelanjutan Diperlukan untuk Menekan Tingginya Inflasi
Thursday, 23 June 2022 03:47 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell mengatakan bank sentral akan terus menaikkan suku bunga untuk menurunkan inflasi menyusul kenaikan tertajam dalam hampir tiga dekade, meskipun pembuat kebijakan harus "cepat" karena berbagai tekanan sedang melanda ekonomi terbesar dunia itu. “Kami...

Fed Menaikkan Suku Bunga 75 Basis Points, Semakin Intens Melawan Inflasi
Thursday, 16 June 2022 08:07 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Pejabat Federal Reserve menaikkan suku bunga utama mereka sebesar tiga perempat poin persentase kenaikan terbesar sejak 1994 dan mengisyaratkan mereka akan terus mendaki secara agresif tahun ini, menggunakan langkah-langkah tegas untuk menahan inflasi yang gagal mereka perkirakan. Dikecam oleh...

Fed Melihat Kenaikan Agresif Memberikan Fleksibilitas untuk Akhir Tahun ini
Thursday, 26 May 2022 07:56 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Sebagian besar pejabat Federal Reserve sepakat pada pertemuan mereka bulan ini bahwa bank sentral perlu memperketat langkah setengah poin selama beberapa pertemuan berikutnya, melanjutkan serangkaian langkah agresif yang akan membuat pembuat kebijakan memiliki fleksibilitas untuk mengubah langkah...

Neraca Fed Diproyeksikan Turun Menjadi $5,9 Triliun pada Pertengahan 2025
Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:57 WIB | Fiscal & monetary

Portofolio sekuritas Federal Reserve bisa turun menjadi $5,9 triliun pada pertengahan 2025 jika pembuat kebijakan mengikuti petunjuk yang mereka tetapkan bulan ini untuk melepaskan beberapa penumpukan neraca besar-besaran selama pandemi. Itu menurut proyeksi yang dirilis pada hari Selasa oleh...

Market Review, Rabu 17 April 2024
Thursday, 18 April 2024 03:20 WIB

Nikkei Saham-saham Jepang melemah, menandai penurunan terbesar dalam tiga hari sejak bulan Oktober, karena investor terus mewaspadai risiko...

Coba Hentikan Penurunan Beruntunnya, S&P 500 Menguat
Wednesday, 17 April 2024 20:44 WIB

Saham-saham AS naik pada Rabu (17/4) setelah S&P 500 mencatat kerugian hari ketiga secara beruntun, seiring meningkatnya musim laporan...

S&P 500 Naik Saat Mencoba Pulih dari Penurunan Beruntun 4 Hari
Thursday, 18 April 2024 23:24 WIB

S&P 500 menguat pada hari Kamis (18/4) karena Wall Street berusaha memulihkan pijakannya di tengah penurunan beruntun indeks acuan. Investor...

Inflasi Inggris Lebih Kuat dari Perkiraan karena Harga Bahan Bakar yang Lebih Tinggi
Wednesday, 17 April 2024 13:18 WIB

Inflasi Inggris melambat kurang dari perkiraan bulan lalu, menggarisbawahi keengganan beberapa pejabat Bank of England untuk mulai menurunkan suku...

SILVER Dolar home sales Wall Street Pasar tenaga kerja, FOMC Tingkat Pengangguran, MSCI Twitter Indeks Nikkei Pesanan Barang AS Manufaktur Eropa EMAS GDP Jepang Pending Home Sales Minyak WTI Berjangka